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Helen Leaver – Liminal

Liminal – from the Latin word limen – meaning threshold
Liminal – The space between spaces
First light, before dawn
The moment before you realise you were dreaming
The innate threshold
A beacon, calling you to stay awhile…pause…notice…

Meditative oil paintings, inspired by the shapes and patterns noticed when in quiet, still places. It’s often the spaces between objects that Helen is most drawn to. The act of creation for Helen is a form of meditation, a deeply absorbing process where she’ll enter a flow state and where time passes unnoticed. She intuitively responds to marks, resulting in soft organic forms and uplifting gestural arc lines. Primarily working with oils, either thinned down ink-like or mixed with cold wax medium, Helen’s paintings hold multiple layers, which she often scrapes back to reveal the colours beneath, imbuing a liminal quality.

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