The sea and connection to the natural world are the key aspects driving Zoie Moody's…
Kirsten Basram works from her home studio near Redruth. Although she has always been creative, she did not have the opportunity to take up painting full time until 2020, having followed a varied career path, including speech and language therapy and university teaching.
She paints mainly abstract landscape, using either oils or watercolour. The physical act of making art connects her with the landscape and sensations around her. At the same time, it opens up expression of her inner, spiritual landscape and this becomes one with the outer form of the earth, sea and sky.
Kirsten paints and draws intuitively, both from sketches made in the landscape and responses to direct experience of landscape and what the paint or pencil are doing on the paper. She then refines and composes as the work reveals itself. She is interested in exploring the idea of “thin places” where heaven and earth meet.